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 Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest

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Posts : 43
Join date : 2011-10-25
Age : 29
Location : I am where you think I am. I am where you think I should be.

Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest Empty
PostSubject: Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest   Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 8:18 am

Name: Alefgard

World: Dragon Quest (all)

- 5 Kingdoms: The main world of Alefgard. It contains a portal to the second part of Alefgard. The 5 Kingdoms are corrupted by Heartless, only Slime City is uncorrupted.Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest Dqg___gamoaria_world_map_by_twilight_prince1002-d31b8k3

- - Slime City: A place where slimes gather. These slimes are usually intellegent, and led by Mega King Slime. It also has a portal to the 6 Kingdoms, but unless you manage to persuade Mega King Slime, only slimes may enter. Protected by Mega King Slime.
Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest DA_10th_birthday_bash_by_Gashu_Monsata

- 6 Kingdoms: The land where the true adventure starts. To get to this, you must first reach the farthest island north-west, and enter through the portal. All the humans and dragon quest creatures now exist here. This is a seperate world entirely, but can only be accessed through one of the two portals in the 5 Kingdoms.
Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest Dragon_Quest_IX_Map_by_Jcfag

- Zenithia: Zenithia is the land where the protector of the 6 Kingdoms lives: The Zenithian Dragon. The city itself hovers over the rest of the lands, near impossible to be seen. Gravity works differently on the isle of Zenithia, influenced by magic so that only those granted access may enter.
Alefgard, the world of Dragon Quest On_the_upside_down_castle_by_Nadiezda

- All the monsters in all the DragonQuest series are found in the 6 kingdoms (though slimes and all their variations are found in both the 6 Kingdoms and Slime City in the 5 Kingdoms.)
- Canons. The canons from all the series can be found in the 6 Kingdoms, and they all mingle.
- Zenithian Dragon. The Zenithian Dragon is the protector of the 6 Kingdoms, and no heartless can ever cross over with both his guards and himself existing there.

Interesting Traits:
- When you defeat an enemy in the 6 Kingdoms (because the monsters attack you just like a regular heartless would), you have a chance at gaining that monster as an ally. These monsters will follow you anywhere, and each one has a specific trait.
- Magic. Magic of this world is slightly different. The principals of it are the same. The list of these spells can be found here(Note: Only characters from this universe have access to these spells):
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