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 Galifrey, World of Magic

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Posts : 669
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 29
Location : Be seen walkin.. Dey all be hatin

Galifrey, World of Magic Empty
PostSubject: Galifrey, World of Magic   Galifrey, World of Magic EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 3:07 am

Galifrey's considered the world of Magic. Legends state that Galifrey was the world that invented magic.. Galifrey had been corrupted, and considered destroyed for a few millennium, it's dark king Cecil at the throne.

Galifrey has many secrets lurking in it's history and corners, some even meant to be lost forever in the courses of time.. Various tomes and grimoirs can be found here, but no normal person would really be interested in this place, other than the sight seeing.

Background music:

General screenshots of the area:

Ruins of the city:
Galifrey, World of Magic 5.1278794939.ruins-of-the-crusader-city

More ruins of the city:
Galifrey, World of Magic IMG_1554

Galifrey, World of Magic 4505563035_1ca584c360

Near the castle's forest boundaries:
Galifrey, World of Magic Forest_Waterfall_xl

Forests at night:
Galifrey, World of Magic Forest1

Open fields outside of the city:
Galifrey, World of Magic P4050419
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Galifrey, World of Magic
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