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 Karuka, World of Neutrallity

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3 posters

Posts : 669
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 29
Location : Be seen walkin.. Dey all be hatin

Karuka, World of Neutrallity Empty
PostSubject: Karuka, World of Neutrallity   Karuka, World of Neutrallity EmptyWed Sep 28, 2011 2:28 pm

Karuka is a rather peaceful world, thanks to the pure and utter fact that no one and nothing can fight here.. If they try, they would feel an odd shocking sensation before blanking out.. As believed by the locals, this is the work of their 'god' (The king of the place). Noone knows the King's name, because noone is even able to get close to him.. The locals refer to him as 'His Neutralness'. Very rarely are foreigners even allowed near the palace walls. The king has 3 sons and 1 Daughter. One of the sons (the youngest), Akuji (Meaning "Dead and Awake") has decided to leave this rather peaceful place, and go find somewhere for himself.. The King knows that he'll eventually come back, so he's not worried one bit.. The eldest prince, Rin (meaning "cold, dignified, severe.") is learning to take up the mantle to be then next King.. The middle son, Miyako (meaning "beautiful night child." ), has taken this advantage to study, and become a singer... The only Daughter ,Mijika is heavily guarded...

In Karuka, women are fairly rare, so they're treated with the up most respect, even by the king. Men are treated normally... If a Karukan were to come out of their world, they might be shocked at how many females are about... Karukan females are usually respectful, and dignified, along with their male counterparts...

The landscape is usually dark, and raining, with very few points where it's just clouds..

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