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 Vocalinia, World of Music

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Vocalinia, World of Music Empty
PostSubject: Vocalinia, World of Music   Vocalinia, World of Music EmptyThu Sep 01, 2011 6:57 pm

Vocalinia was a harmoniums world, said to have created music. Though, this might not be true, this world is solely powered by music.. all it's magics flow throughout this by said music, and everyone born there could sing like angels.. The main common birthing practice there was after a child was born, they'd dip the newborn into the pond inside the royal city of Musicia and inside the city of Symphonia. It was believed that if the baby was dipped into one of these ponds, the baby would be imbued with the magic of song and dance, and would surpass the others in this form.. Unfortunately for them, it's just wishful thinking...

The world of Vocalinia was attacked by Heartless and left corrupted when Chiru, the heir to the throne was only 6. They had put him inside the only working escape shuttle in the city and shipped him off.. Unfortunantly, the people in the other city weren't fast enough to get away from the heartless, and no survivors were left on that world.

Royal city of Musicia~ : Vocalinia, World of Music Suran410

(2) Vocalinia, World of Music The-el10

(3) Vocalinia, World of Music Vvard_10

City of Symphonia~ : Vocalinia, World of Music Open_v10

Last edited by RenaKerensky on Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:01 am; edited 2 times in total
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Vocalinia, World of Music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vocalinia, World of Music   Vocalinia, World of Music EmptyFri Sep 02, 2011 7:46 pm

Holy gawds, this is perfect. Although I'm curious as to whether everyone on that world is forced to do a musical or some shizzle like that.

Approved by Teh Great Thundorz~
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Vocalinia, World of Music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vocalinia, World of Music   Vocalinia, World of Music EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 12:21 pm

~Notable Characters~



King Chiru

~Notable Races~


Sub-note on Dragons: They're very unlike the Cerubian Dragons. These Dragons respond to music more than Magic.. All Vocalanian Dragons have a secondary breath weapon of music, usually used to lull the target to sleep or daze/confuse them.

Mono Dragons (Purple)
Breath Weapon: Dark-Fire, and Melodic Tune
Mono Dragons, like all other Vocalanian Dragons are peaceful and love the sound of music. Their favorite breeding place is near water, and their nests are usually burning with Dark-fire as to keep the egg warm while the Mother and Father hunt to support the offspring.

Mono Dragons are the largest of all the Vocalanian Dragons.

Alto Dragons (Orange)
Breath Weapon: Lava, and Melodic Tune
Alto Dragons are named this because of their natural highish voices Male or Female. Tenner Dragons prefer a nice warm place to lie around and bask in the sun..

Bass Dragon (Brown)
Breath Weapon: Rock, and Melodic tune
Bass Dragons have a naturally low voice, and has a higher temper than all of the other dragons... They won't attack, unless you're trying to steal one of it's eggs... And you're not stupid enough to steal from a Dragon..... Right? Bass Dragons like a place with lots of rocks =w=

Soprano Dragon (Yellow)
Breath Weapon: Water, and Melodic tune
Soprano Dragons are the more show-off-y kinda dragon, LOVING to slide in and add a side of "Pizazz" to the performance, by singing out and breathing out a spectacular water show.. Soprano Dragons share the same home as Mono Dragons, though Sopranos are like the annoying Neighbor you wish would move away... Their favorite line is "Hey! Look at me!"

Tenner Dragons (Maroon)
Breath weapon: An extremely strong gust of wind, and Melodic tune
Tenner Dragons are known for their extremely high voices, due to the amount of air they can take in... Come say these dragons practically could LIVE underwater no trouble if they wanted to.. Tenner Dragons are the more joking type, occasionally playing jokes on random passerby's. They love to live where there's plenty of Airflow as well.

Tenners are also the smallest of all the Vocalanian Dragons.

Mezzo Dragon (Pink)
Breath Weapon: Emotion, and Melodic Tune

Also nicknamed "Love Dragons", Mezzo Dragons are said to make people fall in love with them on sight, due to their breath weapon.. This is in fact not true... The "Emotion Breath" Usually makes the person infected have mood swings, some rather hilarious, might I point out.

Last edited by RenaKerensky on Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:57 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Vocalinia, World of Music Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vocalinia, World of Music   Vocalinia, World of Music EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 2:29 pm

I like it approved!!! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Vocalinia, World of Music   Vocalinia, World of Music Empty

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